SEO that generates enquiries - Guaranteed

The cost of SEO in Adelaide ranges a great deal but this guide should help answer the question for you

There are several considerations when working out how much you’ll need to spend on an SEO campaign in order to rank well in the search results in Adelaide. Here are the major considerations that will influence how much you need to spend:

  1. SEO strength of your existing website

    Many businesses have a website setup with just a few pages giving an overview of their services, then they leave it and expect it to work. Unfortunately this is a website with very little optimisation strength.

    However, a website that has detailed content about the business and the services they provide as well as several pages of tips and advice for their customers will have much more strength. Even though it may not be written very well or optimised with keywords, if it does have informative and useful content, then it is already a step ahead.

    Obviously, not having a website yet means you’re starting from scratch.

  2. Competition in your industry

    If there’s plenty of competition in your industry and most of them have optimised sites, then put simply, you’re in a high competition industry. However it’s rare for this to happen.

    Normally, for many industries in Adelaide, there are a handful of businesses who have optimised their website and the majority either don’t know they need SEO or have optimised their website incorrectly.

    Doing a search on Google for your most likely keywords will reveal how much competition you have. Alternatively, a website analysis will give you an accurate picture of how much competition you have.

  3. How involved you’ll be in the process

    We can categorise our clients into 3 sections.

    First, those who don’t want any involvement in the SEO process. This makes it somewhat difficult to obtain core information about the business, its services and some of the intricacies of how they do what they do. Because of this, it takes us more time to write and optimise good content.

    Second, those who have as much involvement as we request. A business owner who is willing to invest a little bit of time to ensure that their SEO provider fully understands their business and has access to ongoing information, like industry news, latest products and helpful info, is an ideal client.

    Third, those who try to control what we do. Some business owners do a bit of research on the internet and think they’ve become an SEO expert, but want someone else to do the hard work. At the end of the day, we will do what they ask, but if we don’t think it’s good for their website, we’ll say so. If they insist anyway, then they are paying us to do things which will not have a positive impact on their search engine ranking or their conversion rates. This can be costly for a business.

    Needless to say, we recommend you be the second type.

  4. Experience of your SEO provider

    SEO is all about creating a website that is useful and informative. But what does that actually mean?

    It’s not about implementing any tricks or methods or link building or domain name domination.

    Learning to create websites and write content that is useful takes skill, lots of practice and quite honestly, years of trial and error.

    So choosing an SEO provider is extremely important if you want excellent value for your SEO dollar. A marketing company who ‘also do SEO’ or a website designer who has a guy who knows a bit about SEO may not be the best and most cost effective option.

    A value for money SEO provider has skill, experience and a track record to prove their worth.

  5. How quickly do you want to rank number 1?

    If you need to get up the top of the rankings ‘immediately’ then it’s probably going to cost a lot, as a lot of work needs to be done very quickly. However doing lots of work on a website in one hit isn’t always sustainable. But if you’re missing out on important revenue dollars and need to get results quickly, then that will affect how much you invest in your SEO campaign.


So, how much does SEO cost?

We’ve put together this matrix to serve as a rough guide so you know how much you’ll need to budget for your SEO campaign depending on where you fit into the considerations above.

Existing SEO Strength
Competition Weak Average Strong
High 20k+ 16-20k 13-15k
Medium 10-12k 9-10k 7-8k
Low 5-6k 4-5k 2-3k

NOTE 1: costs listed are per year and are a rough guide only, every situation needs to be assessed individually
NOTE 2: As a general rule, after a site has reached the top of the rankings for it’s primary keywords the ongoing expenditure may be able to be reduced, depending on competition and other factors

Remember, SEO is an ongoing process. Getting up to number one doesn’t mean you stop the optimisation process. Now that you’re number one in the search engines, you’re also the number one target for your competition to knock off.

How much will SEO cost you specifically?

The quickest way to find out is to get a free website analysis

Alternatively, please give us a call on 08 8463 1112 so that we can talk with you about your Search Engine Optimisation needs. We don’t employ gimmicky sales people and we don’t try to lock you in to an expensive plan. You’ll be speaking with an expert SEO consultant in Adelaide and you can expect honesty, good value and measurable results from our expert SEO services.

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